Workers Comp Settlement in Savannah

Some workers’ compensation claims are resolved through a settlement with the insurance company. If your injury has resulted in a long-term condition, your attorney may negotiate with the insurance company for you to receive a set amount of money.

Settlement Types

Settlements fall into one of two categories: lump sum and structured. In a lump sum settlement, you will receive a set amount from the insurance company at once. In a structured settlement, you will be paid a specific amount over time.

Should You Accept a Settlement?

There are benefits and drawbacks to accepting a settlement, depending on the specifics of your injury and the settlement. If you accept a settlement, you will know exactly how much money you will receive. Your attorney can also negotiate additional money for surgeries or procedures you may need in the future. Accepting a settlement will also save you the hassle and worry over a pending trial or ensuring that your benefits are paid on time.

On the other hand, settling for a set amount may not be a good option if you will likely have to undergo additional surgeries or if you have been prescribed an expensive medication. If your injury is so severe that you will never be able to return to work, a settlement may not take into account the full financial impact that lost wages will have on you and your family.

Answers to Your Settlement Questions

The question of whether or not to settle your workers’ compensation case can be complicated and confusing. It is extremely important that you not discuss any settlement offer with the insurance company before first discussing your case with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. Call The Turner Firm today to schedule a free, no-obligation review of your case.

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