Apply For Savannah Social Security Disability

Can I apply for Social Security Disability benefits while I am receiving workers compensation benefits?

The answer to this question varies from case to case. Generally, you can apply for Social Security Disability benefits (SSDI) while you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits; however, you may not be eligible for the maximum amount you would otherwise receive. The Social Security office uses various formulas to calculate how much you qualify for and will take into account any other benefits you are receiving.

If you are already receiving SSDI benefits when you begin receiving workers’ compensation benefits, the amount of your SSDI benefits will likely be decreased. This is true if you receive weekly workers’ compensation benefits or if you receive a lump sum settlement.

If you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits and are considering filing for SSDI benefits, it is best to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible. Call The Turner Firm today to schedule a free review of your case.

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