Savannah Workers Comp Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries that occur in the workplace are among the most detrimental to a person’s quality of life. Most injured workers are able to return to work . However, with catastrophic injuries, the injury is so severe that the injured worker will likely never be able to return to work.

When is an Injury Considered Catastrophic?

A work-related injury is classified as “catastrophic” when the injured worker is unable, and will likely never be able, to return to meaningful work due to their injury. It is important to note that what constitutes a catastrophic injury will vary depending on each person and each injury.

Common Catastrophic Injuries

Second- or third-degree burns, traumatic brain injuries, blindness, amputation or loss of limb, spinal cord injuries, and paralysis are all examples of injuries that may be classified as catastrophic.

Your Legal Right to Benefits

Suffering a catastrophic injury at work will have a tremendous impact on you physically, financially and emotionally. While typical workers’ compensation benefits expire after 400 weeks, there are special provisions for those who have sustained catastrophic injuries in the workplace. However, establishing that your injury is catastrophic can be a lengthy and complicated process.

At The Turner Firm, we are committed to the best interest of our clients. With extensive experience in handling workers’ compensation cases, we are prepared to guide you through the legal system and fight to ensure the best possible outcome in your case. Call our office today to schedule a free case evaluation.

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