Savannah Workers Comp Exposure to Toxic Substances

Exposure to toxic substances is a daily occurrence for some workers. The majority of these workers are provided with protective gear and company policies to keep them safe. However, in some cases, employees may be exposed to toxic substances and develop a serious illness or injury.

Injuries from Toxic Substance Exposure

Two types of injuries or conditions can occur after being exposed to a toxic substance: acute or latent. Acute injuries are those that are immediately noticeable, such as burns, rashes or blistering. Latent injuries, on the other hand, may take years after the initial point of exposure before exhibiting any symptoms. Examples of latent injuries include certain types of cancers and serious lung diseases.

Toxic Chemicals in the Workplace

Some chemicals commonly associated with workplace injuries include: lead, benzene, beryllium, silica, solvents, asbestos, paint, radium, acids and mercury. These chemicals may be found in construction sites, factories, laboratories, and even some old buildings.

What Are Your Legal Rights?

If you have become ill as a result of exposure to a toxic substance at work, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. After receiving medical care for your condition, it is essential that you contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney immediately to begin work on your claim. Call The Turner Firm today to schedule a free review of your case.

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