Workers Comp Death in Savannah

The most tragic accident that can happen in the workplace is one that results in the loss of a life. Unfortunately, employees in various fields are killed every single day. OSHA reports that nearly 12 people died on the job every day in 2013, totaling 4,585 deaths that year.

Causes of Occupational Death

Construction-related injuries result in death more often than any other type of injury. The most fatal injuries are caused by falls, electrocution, being caught in or between equipment, and being struck by an object.

Other workplace fatalities include: vehicle accidents while performing job-related duties, or suffering a heart attack brought on by the stress of the job.

How We Can Help

Losing a loved one due to an accident at work is devastating. At The Turner Firm, we focus on the well being of each of our clients and are committed to fighting for your rights every step of the way. We understand the complexities of the legal process, and know the specifics of the law as it relates to death benefits in workers’ compensation cases.

We are ready to get to work for you. Call our office today to schedule a free evaluation of your case.

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