Savannah Workers Comp Fall to Lower Level

Falls to lower-level surfaces in the workplace are extremely dangerous. According to the preliminary results of the National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2013, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that of the fatalities caused by trips and falls, 82% were from falls to a lower surface. Of these, one-fourth was the result of a fall that was 10 feet or less.

While a fall of this type can result in death, other victims may sustain non life-threatening injuries such as neck, back, hip or knee injuries, traumatic brain injuries and broken bones.

Recovery and Prognosis for Fall Victims

If you or a loved one sustained a fall to a lower level at work, you are probably already aware that the recovery process may be very long. Depending on the severity of the injuries, you may have to undergo surgery and extensive physical therapy.

During this recovery process, it is unlikely that you will be able to return to work in the same capacity, if at all. You may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits to pay for medical bills as well as lost wages.

Help With Your Workers Compensation Claim

At The Turner Firm, we have extensive experience in handling workers’ compensation cases. We know the law and we know your rights. Contact us today to schedule a free, no-obligation review of your case.

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