Workers Comp Medical Benefits in Savannah

Medical benefits in a workers’ compensation claim are intended to cover the treatment, surgery, and medications reasonably necessary to return you to your “pre-injury” state. The insurance company will pay these bills as long as you are under the care of a doctor that is listed on your employer’s panel of physicians, or if the State Board of Workers’ Compensation has designated a different doctor to handle your treatment.

What’s Covered?

If you are awarded medical benefits as a part of your workers’ compensation claim, you will not be required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses, such as co-pays or deductibles. Typically, all medical treatment, including surgeries and medications prescribed your authorized treating physician, will be covered under workers’ compensation.

Understanding the Duration of Your Medical Benefits

The date of your injury will impact the amount of time you can receive medical benefits. If your accident occurred before July 1, 2013, your medical benefits will be extended for the duration of your injury; that is, as long as you require medical treatment for your work-related injury. If your injury occurred after July 1, 2013, you will only be eligible to receive medical benefits for 400 weeks after the injury date, unless your injury is categorized as catastrophic.

Benefits for Your Health

Following a workplace injury, recovery should be your primary concern. At The Turner Firm, our focus is on getting you all of the benefits that you deserve. Receiving the necessary workers’ compensation benefits during this difficult time can ease the financial burden you face, and can ensure that you are on the road back to good health.

Call The Turner Firm today to schedule a free, no-obligation review of your case.

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