Savannah Workers’ Comp Claim & Job Loss

If I Have a Workers’ Comp Claim, Will I Lose My Job?

Many workers worry that if they file a workers’ compensation claim, they will lose their job. This is a legitimate concern. You can work for the same employer for many years and do an excellent job, yet the minute that you are injured at work, they start to view you as a liability.

That said, it is important to report your workers compensation claim to your employer immediately because if you don’t, they may find out from a third party that you have a work injury. They could then try to find a way to terminate you before you filed your claim. This would leave you without a job and without treatment for your injury.

If you have a work injury, you will not necessarily lose your job. However, it helps to have the best workers’ compensation attorney on your side to help you navigate this difficult situation. Give us a call to learn how our attorneys can help you.

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