Savannah Workers Comp Mileage Reimbursement

Under Georgia’s workers’ compensation laws, you should be reimbursed in the amount of 40 cents for every mile that you travel between home and doctors’ appointments, therapy, rehabilitation, and to the pharmacy to pick up any prescription medications. You should also be reimbursed for any parking fees that you incur during this time.

Georgia’s workers’ compensation guidelines also state that the insurance company must provide transportation for you if needed.

Tracking Your Mileage

In order to be reimbursed for mileage and parking expenses, you must submit a mileage log and parking receipts. It is important to stay organized and to keep track of all of this information. You must submit your receipts and mileage log within one year from the date of each trip in order to be reimbursed. Once submitted, the insurance company has fifteen (15) days to issue payment or be subjected to late payment penalties.

Help With Your Claim

If you have additional questions about mileage reimbursement in your workers’ compensation claim, we can help. Call The Turner Firm today to schedule a free consultation.

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