Savannah Workers Comp Injuries


Almost anyone can be hurt on the job. Regardless of your professional field, you may be susceptible to certain types of injuries that can have a tremendous impact on your life.

Repetitive Use Injuries

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most well known of the injuries that fall under the category of repetitive use. People who type for hours on end or are exposed to machinery that shakes their hands for extended periods of time are the most susceptible to sustaining this injury.
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Construction Injuries

Construction sites are notoriously dangerous work places. Workers are subject to falling, being struck by falling objects, back and neck injuries and even losing a limb.
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Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries are those that are so serious that a person is unable to return to work in any capacity. There are certain criteria that must be met in order for an injury to be considered “catastrophic” and for an individual to be eligible for all of the benefits that this entails.
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