Savannah Workers Comp Brain and Head Injuries

Brain and head injuries are among the most serious injuries a person can endure. The Center for Disease Control reports that nearly 1.5 million Americans sustain a specific type of brain injury called a traumatic brain injury, or TBI, each year. The effects of a TBI can be devastating and can lead to death. Other head injuries include: open or closed injuries, tumors and strokes. Many of these injuries can occur in the workplace.

What Causes Brain and Head Injuries?

Although these injuries are extremely serious, they can result from something as simple as a slip and fall. A motor vehicle accident, infections, physical altercations, firearms, and exposure to certain chemicals or toxins such as carbon monoxide or lead can also cause injuries to the brain and head.

Symptoms of Brain and Head Injuries

The symptoms of brain and head injuries can vary depending on the type and severity of the injury. Long-term effects may include memory loss, coma, brain damage, loss of speech or motor skills, and even death.

Help With Your TBI Case

If you or a family member has sustained a head or traumatic brain injury at work, there are steps you can take to ensure that you receive the benefits necessary to assist with medical bills and maintaining your household. At The Turner Firm, we have extensive experience in handling these cases and are ready to start working for you. Call today to schedule a free review of your case.

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