Savannah Workers Comp Loss of Member Limbs

If you have lost a limb, appendage or digit in the workplace, many aspects of your life have changed. You have probably endured excruciating physical pain, and are burdened with worry over your medical bills and lost time at work. Depending on the circumstances that lead up to your injury, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

Types of Amputations

Amputations in the workplace can range from the loss of a limb such as an arm, to the loss or severing of a finger, toe or foot. Injuries involving the crushing of limbs, appendages or digits can also occur on the job. Although crushing injuries may not result in a total loss, extensive surgery may be required, and you may never regain full use of that body part.

Valuing Your Loss

Georgia has a schedule of benefits that values each limb and body part to determine a maximum workers’ compensation amount for that specific body part. However, it is important to understand that the insurance company will work to give you the lowest amount possible.

Legal Help When You Need It Most

After a workplace injury that involves amputation or the loss of the use of a certain part of your body, recovery should be your top concern. At The Turner Firm, we understand that you need to receive the maximum amount of workers’ compensation benefits possible. Our job is to ensure that you get the best possible outcome in your case. Call us today to schedule a free case consultation.

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