Savannah Workers Comp Carpal Tunnel Repetitive Use

When most people think of workplace injuries, they probably imagine someone being injured in a busy factory or at a construction site. But serious injuries can also occur in an office setting.

Repetitive-use injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, can be caused by the way you work and the tasks that you are asked to perform. Excessive typing or using equipment that causes your hand to shake for long periods of time can result in carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Individuals with carpal tunnel usually begin to experience the following symptoms over time: weakness, tingling, numbness or pain in the hand, fingers or arm. This condition usually affects half of the ring finger as well as the index and middle fingers and the thumb.

It is important to note that unlike other work-related injuries, it usually takes years for the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive-use injuries to manifest themselves. In these cases, your date of injury will be the day that you begin to experience pain and other symptoms associated with your repetitive-use injury.

Treatment Options

Depending on the severity of your repetitive-use or carpal tunnel injury, your doctor may first suggest that you wear a brace or attend physical therapy. In more extreme cases, surgery may be the recommended course of treatment.

Help With My Repetitive-Use Injury Case

Repetitive-use injuries are painful and can cost a great deal by way of missed work and medical expenses. In fact, many people who sustain a repetitive-use injury are physically unable to return to their jobs in the same capacity.

At The Turner Firm, we are committed to fighting for the benefits that each of our clients deserve. To learn more or to schedule a free review of your repetitive-use workers’ compensation case, call our office today.

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