Savannah Workers Comp Construction Injuries

A recent study from the Center For Disease Control states that construction workers sustained over 9% of the 3.3 million injuries reported that year. And it’s no wonder—construction sites are notoriously dangerous working environments. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that 1 in 10 construction workers will be injured on the job site each year.

Common Injuries

There are many types of injuries that can occur on a construction site. Equipment-related injuries can include crane accidents, being crushed by or between large machines, nail gun misfires, or forklift malfunctions. Construction workers are also at risk of being struck by falling objects, tripping and falling from heights and collapsing buildings, scaffoldings or trenches. Repetitive use injuries, heat stroke or hypothermia, and respiratory illnesses are also common.

Lasting Impact

Unfortunately, the aftermath of a construction-related injury may be felt for years to come. Many of these serious injuries will cause long-term and permanent medical conditions—such as paralysis, amputation, vision loss or irreparable joint damage—that will dramatically alter your quality of life.

Where Should I Start?

If you have been injured on a construction site, it is imperative for your health that you seek medical attention immediately. The next step you should take is to contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to explore your legal options.

Call The Turner Firm today to schedule a free, no-obligation review of your case. We are here to walk you through the claims process, and help you get the benefits you deserve so you can get back to living your life.

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