Savannah Workers Comp Back and Neck Injuries

A neck or back injury can have a devastating effect on your quality of life. One of the more common neck and back injuries is whiplash, which is characterized by chronic neck pain and other potentially debilitating side effects.

What Causes Whiplash?

Whiplash occurs when the head is jerked or “whipped,” straining the ligaments and muscles of the neck and damaging the soft tissue. Vehicle accidents are among the most common causes of whiplash, along with falls from heights, slip and fall accidents, repetitive stress injuries sustained at work, assaults, and injuries from impact sports.

Studies have shown that over three million people suffer whiplash each year from motor vehicle accidents alone. Of those, nearly 10% will become disabled permanently.

Symptoms and Treatment

Neck stiffness and pain are typical symptoms of whiplash. Other symptoms include dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, problems concentrating, trouble sleeping, fatigue and a decrease in the injured person’s range of motion. Those suffering from whiplash may also experience arm tingling and pain in the back, arm or shoulder.

You will need to work with your doctor to determine the proper course of treatment. Depending on the severity of your whiplash injury, your doctor may prescribe physical therapy and massage, as well as alternative treatments such as acupuncture or chiropractic treatments. Most practitioners agree that early treatment is key to maximizing your chances of the most complete recovery possible.

Filing a Claim

Recovering from whiplash can be a long process, one that can take you away from work and family obligations. If you have been injured, contact The Turner Firm today to schedule a free consultation.

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