Workers Comp Hip Injury in Savannah

Hip injuries are common in some workplaces. Jobs that involve certain physical activities such as squatting, climbing, heavy lifting, or stooping are the most likely to result in a hip injury. However, anyone who suffers a slip and fall or other accident involving impact may be at risk for a hip injury. These painful, and sometimes debilitating injuries, can have a serious impact on many areas of your life.

Sudden Onset Hip Injuries

Some hip injuries occur at once as the result of one single blow, strain, tear or break. Commonly known as acute injuries, these include straining of the hip flexor, adductor or hamstring, apophyseal avulsion injury, slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) and hip joint dislocation.

Gradual Onset Hip Injuries

Gradual onset injuries are also known as chronic injuries. These usually occur over time as the result of overuse or extreme pressure and include: acetabular articular cartilage lesion, tendon tears to the hip abductor, gluteus medius or gluteus minimus, pubic symphsitis or stress fractures of the pelvis or proximal femur.

Treatment and the Recovery Process

More severe hip injuries may require surgery and extensive therapy. In worst-case scenarios, some patients require partial or total hip replacements. Others may respond to therapy and certain medications. However, most hip injuries can make it difficult or impossible for you to perform your job, and may result in time away from work, piles of medical bills and lost wages.

Help When You Need It Most

At The Turner Firm, we understand that recovering from a hip injury sustained on the job is a difficult process in many ways. Worry over your health and how to pay your bills may seem overwhelming. We are experienced in getting the best possible results for our clients in workers’ compensation cases.

We are ready to help you today. Call our office to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. We can discuss all of your options and how best to move forward with your case.

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