What is a Nurse Case Manager in Savannah?

What is a Nurse Case Manager?

If you are injured on the job, your employer may offer you a nurse case manager to “help manage” your medical care. Many clients ask us if they should use a nurse case manager or if they have the right to refuse to use one.

In Georgia, you have the right to refuse a nurse case manager and in most situations, you should exercise that right. It is important to remember that even though a nurse case manager who claims that he or she is acting in your best interests, this person is an agent of your employer and their insurance company. His or her main job is to make sure that you get the least amount of medical care that is required, just enough to comply with their legal obligations.

A nurse case manager will often try to make your doctor release you back to work immediately, and they may even contact your doctor without your knowledge and suggest jobs that you can perform. Do yourself a favor and refuse to use a nurse case manager.

When you have a work injury, you need an aggressive workers’ compensation attorney that knows how to make the system work for you. Give us a call today to discuss your case.

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